Hunyo 6, 2018

Credit to the Owner


It was year 2016 when Digong
become a President, truly
it is a force of nature when he
sign-up and anounced that
he is running for President.

People wants him to have
the thrown, as a sign of
impression that we Filipino
are really-really fed-up on
the old stinky system of politics
in the Philipines.

Filipino People and
even his detractors knew
too that he will win Big time!

Now fast forward to year
2018, as a citizen who
voted for him I observed
that being that force of
nature is great to win
the battle of Presidency
campaign but winning
the war of running the
Philippine country for
six years, being a force
of nature alone is really
not enough, in fact
it could be a suicide plan.

It’s obvious that when
Digong run’s for Presidency
he is not that ready for
it, almost literally for me
he run for himself.

Now that he is sitting in
the thrown my guts tells
me that he found out that
he need to clean out the
line-up of his arsenal
because if not this could
backfire at him in the future
and this clean-up drive
that his doing is a pain
in the a$s if you asked me
because 6 years term is
not that long to execute
the projects like Build Build
Build or even cleaning-up
the corrupt government.

That’s the Presidential
trap, it is also true
even when you work as
CEO or manager in particular
company. Being “the Shot Caller”
is not enough, because if
your heavy hitters in not
in harmony to you it will
be a problem eventually.

The answer to this is simply
a clean-up drive to your
roster but you’ll juggle
your priorties if time is
your concern too.

But I believe Digong will
find a way to make all things
work and my prayer is up
for him as his era is vital
to shed some light in our



Abril 28, 2017

The most stupid move
a person will do to
his life is by secretly
surrendering to someone’s

Where he treat someone’s
opinion as some sort
of BIG THING! to him/her.

This happen when we
are a child we secretly
surrender to someone the
approval of ourselves,
and this people are the
teacher, friends, Pastor,
Elders etc.

I had no any issue on
giving respect and giving
value to the doctrine, advice
or discipline from our elders
or to our spiritual and intellectual
advisers but surrendering to
them the power of approval for
ourselves, where we base
our worth, happiness or success
is depended on what they will say
is for me it seems an disempowering trap.

Remember they are human too,
just like us. I don’t promote
rebellion but what I suggest
is remember the sayings of

“we are responsible to our own

Be in charge of your own life.

You the one who set your standards
not your gurus, they are there
to teach you the necessary skills
to live but they are not exist
to live your life for you but
you exist to live your own.

Yes it could cause you pain
by making mistakes but look
even you remain low level aware
citizen eventually you’ll deal
with this and I say why wait
on that day to come and suffer?
why we don’t just do our stuffs
for the betterment of the world?

We human are very fascinating beings
its better live it wild because
that’s what life suppose to be at
all. Avoid falling into traps but
if you already being caught by
this trap I suggest to take your
time, don’t force to shift from point
A to B, be soft, kind and gradual
to the moves until you took back your
power to drive your very own life.